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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Sibling Advice

So tonight I had a long talk with my sister about a breakup she's going through. She's 17 and a senior in high school. She was in a bad situation with a kid that has a lot of issues. We took him in and accepted him... but it became obvious this kid wasn't going to change. He promised us time and time again that he wouldn't emotionally hurt my sister anymore than he already had. We tried to warn my sister over and over again that this kid wasn't right for her. She is just a different type of a person. He brought so much negativity to her life that now she's dealing with moving on... but she still has so much negative energy inside of her. She's letting little things get to her when she used to be such a strong confident girl. 

Anyways what i'm getting to is this... I gave her this advice and it really made everything seem pretty simple in life. Since she's had this negative situation in her life for the past year and a half... everything in her life now seems negative. I told her she needs to force herself into seeing the positives. She said she feels like she wasted a year with him.. I told her to feel like she only wasted a year when it could've been five years. It's really simple... force yourself to see the positives in any situation and you will automatically feel positive in life. Don't dwell on negativity because all it's going to do is bring you down (obviously). However it's so much easier to hear this philosophy than to actually apply it to life. 

Maybe the best advice comes from yourself when you're removed from a situation and you are giving advice to someone else as an outsider looking in. All you have to do is listen to yourself speak and maybe you'll get all the answers that you've been looking for to apply in your own life. 


  1. you gave her the best advice anyone can give her and i know every girl wishes they can have a big brother like you to stand up for them and be there for them when stuff like that happens i loved this blog because this just show even more how much of an amazing and caring person you are

  2. Great advice, good job big bro! I hope she is able to apply it & take this experience as a lesson learned.
